The primary purpose of a business is to fund the costs of operating that business, as well as to maximise profits for its owners or stakeholders, through offering quality and value through its products and/or services to customers who are willing to pay for that value, with cash or equivalents. Stress can be defined as ‘the degree to which people feel overwhelmed and unable to cope, as a result of pressures which are unmanageable’ to people. Psychologists claim that feeling acute stress, or short-term stress, is beneficial as it provides determination and focus, which helps the individual to finish tasks and achieve goals. Compulsive working is chronic as the individual, seeks to alleviate personal psychological stress and, due to the release of associated adrenaline and/or other stress hormones by approaching work in this way, is highly addictive. Moods and feelings generally come and go on their own, but not many people can wait for this to naturally happen.