Reza Shah’s policies were not acceptable for either the United Kingdom or for the Soviet Union. In mid-1941 both the British and Soviets decided to force the abdication of the Iranian king. Their joint invasion and occupation of Iran resulted in an offer according to which Reza Khan was to abdicate in favour of his eldest son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi came to power on 16 September 1941. Two years after Mohammad Reza Pahlavi became the shah, Iran declared war on Germany. The main political change took place when Mohammad Mosaddegh became the Iranian prime minister in 1951. Mosaddegh’s plans posed a real threat to British and American interests in Iran. From 1963 onwards the Mohammad Reza Shah paid more attention to foreign policy, especially processes of formulation and implementation of its objectives. During the 1970s, few events the shah to implement his ideas and find money to cover their cost, for instance, the oil shock of 1973.