This chapter moves from considering the leadership shown by Donald Trump and its impact on both the US and the world at large, to considering the leadership that our world needs in the twenty-first century. It explores the concept of leadership as a process that creates an environment in which everyone has a reasonable prospect of being successful. It makes the point that capitalism is a proven concept for improving conditions for everyone and argues that what we need is leadership that harnesses the benefits of capitalism for the many, not the few. The importance of equitable treatment (as opposed to equal treatment), of everyone is discussed. The chapter explores the question: ‘what is leadership?’ then compares Trump’s behaviour to this framework. This is done under six headings: disruption and change, legal and ethical, emotional intelligence, internal vs external loci of control, growth vs fixed mindsets, and bullying. It extrapolates these points to consider their relevance to all leaders under the headings of leadership, communication, vision, values, strategy, culture and accountability.