The chapter introduces three central terms of the book: necromancy, a term that will be used in the book not as a peculiar erring of past societies, but as a central aspect of modern rationalism, especially as deployed in technology; sensuals, or emotional rays and waves that can be incited artificially and spread, in contrast to emotions that are personal; and replicators, that can also be called as living dead, ghosts or tricksters, forces from the otherworld having different names that can take possession of human bodies. The chapter will explore in detail the earliest available evidence for the use of magic as necromancy, from about 15,000 bc. The scene demonstrates the way in which a secret, obscure, unspeakable knowledge was gained and transmitted, through a very strange and unique narrative image about the deployment of self-debasement and the faking of a victim position, by which forces of the otherworld can be entrapped and so the production of unlimited growth can be acquired.