Book Title: Social Media Campaigns: Strategies for Public Relations and Marketing 2nd Edition

Author: Carolyn Mae Kim

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1093-9172

Step 3: Implementation—Chapter 5

Once a strategically designed campaign is created out of solid research, this chapter covers the third step, which is to implement the campaign. As with any marketing or public relations campaign, however, one cannot simply activate it and walk away. Professionals must fully monitor and engage with the campaign throughout its life-cycle. Within this step, it is vital that professionals interact and monitor so that campaign adjustments may be made, accountability to the value of social media within the organization is strong and, ultimately, the two-way dialogue nature of social media is protected. The process of monitoring and engaging relates directly to our social principle—social media is about relationships, not pre-programmed content that is pushed out without any live-time interaction. Additionally, this chapter explains the emerging presence of social care teams created by brands and examines how this is repositioning the application and philosophy of how organizations use social media to connect with stakeholders.