A widow, Madame Bobrowska had stayed on the estate which for generations had belonged to her husband’s family. The young man was thirty-six at the time, the young bride, twenty-five. If it had rested with themselves, they would have married several years earlier, but the girl’s father had steadfastly opposed their marriage until his death. In 1847, while he was staying in Korytna, near Lipwiec, he met Evelina Bobrowska, who was then sixteen and whose brother Thaddeus he had met in St. Petersburg. The girl was beautiful; her education was superior to that of most women of her position; her mind was keen; and a modest, angelic seriousness added to her charms. The young couple spent their first year in this simple but spacious country residence, while awaiting the sale of the Oratov property and the settlement of Joseph Bobrowski’s estate.