A textile is a type of material made of natural or synthetic fibers. It is also referred to as fabric in the clothing-making industry. It may be created by weaving, knitting, felting, and so on. A woven fabric is any textile formed by weaving. When referring to woven fabric, there are a few terms that every student should know and this chapter details them. Selvage is the tightly woven edge on fabric that prevents unraveling. It runs the length of the fabric. The threads running the length of the fabric are called the warp threads. Grainline is the length of the fabric. It runs parallel to the selvedge and is the strongest direction of the fabric. Muslin is a type of cotton fabric that can be light, medium, or heavy weight that comes bleached or unbleached, and is made using a plain weave. Muslin is not always the most appropriate fabric for draping though.