The Basic Sheath Dress is a combined fitted bodice and fitted skirt. For the draped dress, there are a double-ended darts at the waist. For drafted pattern, the dress has aligned waist darts from the bodice and skirt, both front and back, that create the double-ended darts. Trueing is a term used to describe the process of creating accuracy on a draped or drafted sloper. When the muslin is still on the dress form, it may seem as if the sloper fits well and matches the other sections. It is only when the muslin is removed that the accuracy can be determined. Trueing can be done directly on the draped muslin pieces, or on craft paper. After trueing the muslin, then the pattern can be transferred to paper. The basic sheath dress combines the fitted bodice and fitted skirt, removing the waistline seam to create a sheath sloper with a single combined dart per half of the front and back.