Technology is here to stay and as I've already said will remain a part of our world for as long as the world exists. So, we have to educate ourselves, we have to play, and we have to find the technology that works for us. Like anything, it is a tool and with the right tool for the job, we do a better job. Finding the right tools to work with children, to support their learning and development is a key part of our role, and we can't stand still. As the world evolves so does the technology that forms a part of that. It becomes more complex, more exciting, more overwhelming. There is no rush, but we all need to commit to start somewhere. We all want the best for the children we work with, we all surely want the best for ourselves too. So I encourage you to embrace the learning journey, learn alongside your colleagues, your children, and their families and everyone will benefit. Make informed decisions, don't discount things through not knowing or through fear, ask questions, get curious, and keep playing.