The Post-Implementation Review (PIR) is a crucial step in confirming that the “system as deployed” has effectively attained Operational Readiness (OR) and Operational Excellence and is delivering the expected benefits in line with the business case. Suitable mechanisms need to be in place to establish to what extent OR Implementation has allowed a safe and effective utilisation of the “system as deployed” in the intended operational environment.

Therefore, OR plays a vital role in securing an effective PIR (which takes place after a successful Ramp-Up, after the system has stabilised, and is part of the day-to-day operations). In addition to Verification and Validation activities, PIRs should include a number of implementation aspects. These are (a) Context-System dynamics, (b) Delivery of business/operational benefits, (c) Suitability of the Realisation-System, (d) Extent of attainment of Operational Readiness, (e) Analysis of the above considerations and other emergent issues to identify improvement areas, and (f) the Proposed Corrective Actions (in line with the organisational strategy), as well as (g) Lessons Learned.

Unfortunately, the absence and inadequacies of PIRs have deprived many industries of valuable lessons not only as to root causes of operability failure, but also as to smarter ways and approaches to reaching Operational Readiness.