In Japan, meals usually end with something light and not usually calorie rich. What is called dessert or sweets is vastly different in Eastern and Western cultures. In general, Japanese sweets are made with little sugar, if any at all, but a certain amount of sugar is used throughout cooking. For celebratory occasions, the preferred refreshment is sake, an alcoholic rice wine dating back to antiquity and originating in Japan. Yet, all cultures have their regional and local specialties that might be deemed exotic, different, or even unpalatable by outsiders. Going back to prehistoric times is the human consumption of insects. In Japan, farmers used to eat pesty rice grasshoppers to save their crops. During World War II, when food was scarce, many dishes were created using ants, beetles, bee and silk larvae, stink bugs, and rice grasshoppers. The breeding of edible insects is cost-effective; insects reproduce quickly; and they are deemed nutritionally beneficial for human wellness.