Chapter 2 introduces the basics of cultural literacy. It discusses the main definitions of culture and different paradigms for understanding culture inclusive of etic vs. emic and essentialist vs. non-essentialist approaches. It also critically assesses the commonly accepted concept of national culture based on the idea of a culture within nation-states and their geographical boundaries. The chapter also discusses the prevalent “onion” approach to understanding cultures, inclusive of material and immaterial elements of culture. It introduces the concept of “cultural value orientations” as the empirically observable elements of culture. It also sheds light on different degrees of importance of cultural norms, inclusive of cultural imperatives, electives, and exclusives. Case-in-point examples include cultural symbols using the example of hamsa, Bouba, and the Kiki effect as an example of universal sensory experience, and a sensory approach to brand naming. The mini-case included with this chapter is Barbie and Häagen Dazs in China.