The neoliberal incarceration system in the United States is one of “penal pornography punishing the poor”, which unequivocally reveals a punitive turn taken by “penal policies establishing a new government of social insecurity”. Neoliberal austerity polices asphyxiate society to an unsustainable point, triggering a lethal convergence of anti-immigrant and Islamaphobic impulses within the working class. Neoliberalism unleashed a new global order imposed throughout the world “from the main capitalist countries of the center to the less developed countries of the periphery”. Neoliberal globalization “is having pronounced effects on the exclusive territoriality of the nation state, that is its effects are not on territory as such but on its institutional encasements”. Neoliberal globalization, as the practice of corporate populism, carries in itself an ideological scaffold: neoliberal globalism.