Dacca, 1 January 1952


It has been reported that the Security Prisoner, Mujibar Rahman who, on the orders of H.P.M., was brought to Dacca for treatment is taking undue advantage of his coming to Dacca in furtherance of his political activity. This is indeed a misuse of a favour. Permission has to be given by D.I.G. I.B., to those who wish to interview and at these interviews some member of the I.B. staff is to be present.

Will D.I.G.,I.B. kindly look into this immediately and discuss the matter with me?

D.I.G. I.B.

Sd/- 3.1.52

Sd/- 1.1.52 (M. Azfar)

I had discussed this tag of with H.S. file.

Sd/- 1.5