The primary method used by criminal organizations for achieving their ends is violence or the threat of violence, which can be called strategic. Organized criminals do not have to use brutal violence in an open, arbitrary way. The promise and threat of violence is often sufficient to bring about their objectives. Public displays of violence are not condoned by the traditional Mafias, unless they are designed to send specific kinds of messages, such as warnings to other gangsters or to noncompliant victims. This chapter deals with strategic violence, the kinds of symbols employed by the gangs in the enactment of such violence, and the role of revenge killings in crime families. Most of the traditional organized gangs shun the use of overt violence, given that they can easily enter into legitimate enterprises from their massive accumulation of illegal wealth and resources. Violence is still an option, but it is not a regular tactic; it is used as a means of seeking retribution to preserve honor and as a last means to make good on threats.