Eco-districts make up an eco-city where the trend of those buildings is to minimize the demand for energy, water, or food as well as heat loss, waste water, and carbon emissions. In China, the concept of eco-districts is often connected to eco-city development projects. Many of the eco-city pilot projects are in fact developed and implemented at the meso-scale. This chapter focuses on Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City (SSTEC). SSTEC aims to build a resource-saving, environmentally friendly, and socially harmonious livable demonstration of a new city. In most cases, eco-districts are identified as part of urban transformation or pilot projects that are yet to scale up at the township or city levels. An eco-city is simply a society-economy-natural artificial complex ecosystem in harmony. In order to improve the level of eco-district construction, China has promulgated a number of laws and regulations to accelerate the construction of an eco-district, such as the “Guide to the Pilot Construction of Low-Carbon Communities”.