Persistence requires the development of a philosophy of endurance, but for the long term. Some dictionary definitions of persistence include ‘continuing obstinately’ which implies behavioural inflexibility or unthinkingly pushing forward. Persistence in using and improving reader critical thinking skills will help to minimise the number of future misadventures but not eliminate them. And the reason they’re not eliminated through critical thinking is because of the fallibility of the human mind where even the wisest can act so stupidly as to defy the reason and logic for which they are so admired. Also, not all persistence is admirable or worthwhile – there is also pointless persistence. For example, a person may proclaim ‘I’m not a quitter’, conveying a dogged, heroic determination to always prevail no matter what; yet his present persistence to save his clearly failing business by pumping large amounts of money into it has amassed very large, unsustainable debts.