Risk refers to the chance of an undesirable outcome occurring. The probability of such an outcome ‘ranges from practically zero to practically 100 percent’. Both Simon and Maxine made the mistake of seeing risk as one-sided, i.e. that the feared calamity would occur, rather than also allowing for the possibility that their desires might be fulfilled; in other words, they assumed their negative predictions were accurate. Risk-taking means that reader will have some chance of success on some occasions, while avoiding risk means hardly any chance at all of success unless it falls into their lap. Creativity, involves a process called divergent thinking. This involves taking risks with reader thinking in ways that may defy logic, appear absurd and seem foolish to other people. Risk-taking is held back by indecision or made unnecessarily perilous by impulsive decision-making. The potential risks and gains of a particular course of action need to be considered carefully.