Anna Duvall and Crissy Roddy are Directors of Counseling at two high schools in Lexington, South Carolina. They have collaborated on many projects and presentations together, addressing topics such as self-care, technology tips and team building for school counselors. As they have worked together, conversations about their students experiencing anxiety kept resurfacing. In doing a little digging, they realized that they were using similar tools to work with their anxious students. They created the Student Anxiety Survival Toolkit and started sharing their ideas at local, state and national conferences. This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book is intended to provide a comprehensive look at student anxiety and how to assist students learning to manage their anxiety. It presents a case example of a student "Anxious Annie" with some information about her anxiety. Her struggle with anxiety led to the creation of the first Student Anxiety Survival Toolkit.