This chapter focuses on land appropriation especially in areas suitable or with potential for agricultural production, it is important to note that there are other related practices often cited in debates on green grabbing. In the economic sphere, the advancement of the financial system gained momentum when Bretton Woods agreements were unilaterally abandoned by the United States. Financialization was made possible by the emergence of neoliberalism, the new political ideology that gained ground in the 1970s with decline of welfare state in Western Europe, the end of the New Deal legacy in the United States and the crisis of the developmental state in the Global South. There is a longstanding connection between the agricultural and financial sectors, which takes various forms: agricultural production loans, price support, agricultural insurance, mortgage, contract farming, among others. Amid the intensification of financialization processes, agrifood companies became a focus of the investments. Another phenomenon that stands out in contemporary agrifood system refers to flex crops.