This chapter will explore the rapid increase in the use of antidepressants and antipsychotics in psychiatry, their attendant costs, and concerns over the role of psychiatry in promulgating the drug culture. The rise of polypharmacy in psychiatry will be addressed, stressing that the use of polypharmacy developed in the context of a drug-saturated society. The spread of polypharmacy to disorders other than schizophrenia will be explored, and the risks vs benefits will be stressed, with a focus on the metabolic syndrome, mortality, and costs. The effects of polypharmacy in youth will also be explored and the potential for long-term deleterious effects emphasized. The role of marketing will be examined, especially with regards to the use of stimulants for ADHD. Although the focus of this volume is on antipsychotics and antidepressants, this chapter will provide data on the risks and benefits of other psychotropics as they apply to polypharmacy.