Publicity about the destination can occur from many initiatives, over which the DMO might or might not have been involved in, and which might or might not be positive. Cost-effectiveness, along with relatively high credibility, of media editorial coverage, is attractive to DMOs with limited resources, and so publicity-seeking initiatives are a key aspect of any destination marketing plan. However, publicity-seeking is only one aspect of a public relations (PR) programme. PR is a strategic approach to communications management aimed at supporting the DMO’s relationships with stakeholders, and enhancing the reputation of the destination and the local tourism industry. This involves the generation of positive publicity by the DMO as well as the stimulation of positive relations between internal and external stakeholders, to mitigate potentially negative issues before they become public. DMOs are essentially in the business of communication, and so the process of communication management should not be left to chance. Therefore, the DMO needs to carefully manage relationships with key stakeholders such as politicians and government policy makers, media, financiers, tourism businesses, travel trade intermediaries, conservationists, the host community and target consumers; as part of the programme to enhance positive publicity for the destination and enhance the reputation of the local tourism industry. The chapter presents a range of different tactics used by DMOs to attractive positive media publicity.