The presence of biophilic design can change the usage patterns of spaces, as evidenced by the increased number of active and passive users in hotel lobbies at citizen; or it can enable the repositioning of a brand, as seen with the PARKROYAL on Pickering. Biophilic design is applicable to historically designated buildings, whether through preservation such as at the Hilton Netherland Plaza Hotel in Cincinnati, or through renovation such as with the Interface showroom in Krefeld. Biophilic design brings a new level of intention to design – a lens through which the scope of design expands beyond function and beauty. Knowing that biophilic design can measurably support positive psychological and physiological conditions presents a new frontier of responsibility and purpose to the profession. Biophilic design is one of many components of a holistic approach to buildings and places. It can be a powerful tool to support human health and well-being in the built environment.