The purpose of workshopping the biophilic design opportunity is to identify priorities for health and well-being, build consensus for experiential design, understand contextual constraints, set goals and inspire the team with biophilic design precedents. While biophilic design is sometimes intuitive, integrative design planning and management helps to ensure the team priorities remain aligned and the vision for health and well-being oriented experience is met. How well the biophilic design opportunity is principled, contextualised, integrated, managed and documented in the architectural process will influence the long-term efficacy for a project. This chapter presents a brief compendium of perspectives and activities, rather than a step-by-step guide, for incorporating biophilic design into projects with experiential health and wellness preferences or goals. Biophilic design peer reviews can be facilitated at any scale of a project, from a single product or intervention to a room, building, community, town or region.