Kronsberg District was originally planned to demonstrate sustainable principles for the Expo 2000 World Exposition, held in Hanover, Germany. The proportion of open space in the Kronsberg District was raised by 5-10 percent compared to conventional urban planning in Germany. They not only provide further introduction of nature within the district, but also function as neighborhood boundaries and rainwater management systems. The overall masterplan can be described by the zoning of three distinct layers: the tram line, the compact urban district, and the common natural lands. Access to all the residential blocks is provided by the grid of narrow tree-lined streets, designed to allow access for local traffic to all dwelling units. As can be observed from the masterplan, automobile parking has minimal impact on the community along designated streets and in decentralized locations. When complete, it is planned to have a density of 18 dwelling units per acre, with 6,000 total projected dwellings.