Drinking in moderation may actually have some health benefits, but defining moderation can be the key. Some people can be very sensitive to the effects of alcohol, while others can consume significant amounts with few outward signs. Excess alcohol can affect the liver and most organ systems to some degree. Ethanol is ergolytic, with negative effects on metabolism and the cardiovascular system, particularly when the individual is exercising. Alcohol can contribute to a negative water and salt balance. Judgment, coordination, and motivation can all be negatively affected by alcohol.

Cigarette smoking is a major health problem for everyone who comes in contact with it—the smoker, those who breathe the secondhand smoke, and those who come into contact with surfaces contaminated by cigarette smoke. The many chemicals in cigarette smoke can lead to poor health and death in many different ways.

Marijuana smoking also has negative consequences, particularly for heavy smokers. For occasional users, the ergolytic effects and lack of motivation can negatively affect exercise performance. However, the pain suppression and appetite stimulation make marijuana a useful adjuvant therapy in certain types of diseases, such as cancer. In the United States, many states have voted to reduce the penalty for the sale or possession of marijuana. Derivatives or extracts of cannabis, such as CBD, may have health benefits without the high associated with smoking pot.