Relational analytics share in common with people analytics the use of algorithms to understand and shape human behavior. Beyond that, however, relational analytics are quite different given their focus on managing interdependence rather than controlling individual behavior. Analytics are clearly not neutral. They can give power or take power away. They can shape behavior by shaping how we see ourselves in relationship to our work and in relationship to each other. In Chapter 11, we summarize takeaways from the book and outline new frontiers for research and action. We conclude by inviting readers to “be the change” by using relational analytics to foster interdependence and collective self-control among participants, rather than to undermine interdependence and strengthen hierarchical control. This collective self-control is the form of control that Mary Parker Follett identified as being particularly effective in an increasingly complex world. We thank readers for their interest in this growing area of analysis and action that we call relational analytics, and invite them to share their questions and innovations by submitting a form at https://rcsurveyhelp.info" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">rcsurveyhelp.info.