The Theory of Socialist Essence is an indispensable part of Deng Xiaoping Theory. This chapter only explores the contributions of Deng Xiaoping to the Theory of Socialist Essence and his views on some of the controversial issues, without covering all aspects of Deng’s theory on socialist essence. Deng’s theory contributes innovative breakthroughs to, without deviating from, Marxism. The two concur with each other on the essence of socialism and should not be put in opposition. It is undoubtedly illogical and impractical that Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of China’s reform and opening-up, who had been leading China’s revolution for decades, did not come to an understanding of the essence of socialism until 1992. In fact, the comprehension of the essence of socialism came to Deng Xiaoping long before that. The essence of anything or any social system may be revealed from different perspectives or aspects as based on practical needs.