To examine the relationship between the variables, the Balance of Power and Power Transition theories provide a solid. Since the conceptual framework of both the theories is provided by the major accounts of the Realist school of thought, a few of these accounts enriched by E. H. Carr, Hans J. Morgenthau, and Kenneth Waltz have been referred. The study of the Pakistan-India balance of power is also important because it offers a useful opportunity to test the Balance of Power theory in a non-European context. Keeping in view the historical context of Pakistan–India relations, both balance of power and power transition have played a vital role in creating stability or instability in the relationship between the two countries. Though the theories are considered opposite to each other, their comparative analysis in the case of Pakistan-India rivalry suggests that Power Transition theory does not refute the balance of power in the Pakistan-India context, but rather supports it to some extent.