Nuclear technology around the world is usually associated with negative connotations in international politics. The International Atomic Energy Agency was created under auspices of the United Nations to contain negative use of technology provided for peaceful purposes. Another arrangement to strengthen nuclear non-proliferation was made through the introduction of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968, which was further supplemented through the creation of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) in 1974, initially known as the London Suppliers Group. Leading to the creation of the London Suppliers Group. This cap over the nuclear proliferation was introduced as a nuclear business cartel, now known as the Nuclear Suppliers Group, in response to India’s nuclear tests in 1974, which were made possible through the clandestine diversion of nuclear technology provided for civilian purposes. Enabling India to enhance its nuclear weapon stockpiles through the India–United States nuclear deal will definitely have negative implications for Pakistan as well as for regional and international peace and stability.