This chapter explains the long-standing empirical Eastern systems approach to transformation, understood as radical change. Transformation follows the logic of nature. Humans, standing between heaven and earth, behave as a small universe that connects the outer world with the inner self through subjective experience (perceptual, sensory and emotional). This experience (also referred to as T-Qualia) triggers cognition (the process of knowing) and influences the level of consciousness (both primary and reflective). East-Asian philosophies have long enquired about how this subjective experience affects change and transformation, an issue that has long been dismissed by classic science. The level of consciousness triggered by T-Qualia is a precondition to transforming the way humans and organizations perceive, feel, understand and behave. This chapter argues how sustainable business is directly related to this process of transformation. The bio-logic of transformation is contrasted with the parallels between Buddhist and Taoist systems thinking and modern science, particularly with the latest developments in quantum physics, neuroscience and cognitive science.