In January 1600, Ambrosius accompanied Miklos Thokoly to Sarospatak, and in the letter to Basel in which he recorded this information, he told his friend Grynaeus: ‘If something were to happen to me, given the approach of the war and the plague, please take into your care my only son, named after me; I would also ask that you help him materially with his studies’. Ambrosius reacted to Blotius’ thoughts on this subject in a letter dated 20 March 1594, praising his noble intention to undertake such a project. Ambrosius articulated the fundamental principles of his approach to history in a response dated 21 January 1595. The Respublica Litteraria, which was first described as such in the 15th century, was the cooperatively generated medium which gave rise to a new form of communication and provided it the forum in which it could continue to function.