A focus on the match between patient and analyst places attention on the dynamic effect of the interaction of character and conflict of both participants on the process that evolves between them. Match is neither a predictive nor static concept. Rather, it refers to an unfolding transaction that itself shifts and changes during the course of analytic work. The treating analyst’s perception of the effect of this match is by necessity limited by the analyst’s own blind spots and other countertransference phenomena. Reporting the analyst’s clinical experience to an analytically trained observer, external to the dyad, may broaden the analyst’s perspective. Using the lens of the match, a colleague in the role of supervisor, consultant, or peer can provide feedback from which the analyst may acquire insight. As a result of this process, the influence that the participants’ similarities and differences have upon each other becomes clear to the analyst. This awareness, in turn, may lead the analyst to appreciate the effect of the analyst’s stance of distance or closeness and to evaluate whether at this phase of treatment it is beneficial or detrimental to the analytic process. Clinical illustrations of the effect of the external observer’s feedback in relation to the patient-analyst match are provided.