Sexism is everywhere and has existed since Homo Sapiens has existed. Men are much physically bigger and stronger than women; these physical differences enable men to oppress women at the most basic level. Women are also controlled and oppressed by men because of their reproductive roles. Dependency and physical vulnerability during pregnancy and breastfeeding enables men to control women; men continue to control women worldwide through the denial of access to contraception and safe, legal abortion. Women have been considered property throughout history because of their sexual and reproductive capabilities. Men have created global and historical patriarchy through the use of physical force and legitimizing myths that are enforced through social and cultural institutions. Major world religions are particularly misogynistic and subordinate women because of their sex. Media depictions of men emphasize their character and intellect, while women’s bodies are emphasized instead of their character and skills. The world is also extremely heterosexist, with other sexual orientations persecuted and subordinated all over the world. Religions condemn any sexuality beyond marital heterosexuality for reproduction. Sexism exists globally today in sexual assaults and physical attacks on women, and women’s continued lower social status, incomes, opportunities, education, and literacy.