Sexuality is a biological function that is essential for human health, happiness, and survival. Sexuality has been stringently regulated, by laws, religion, and other social institutions across history. Sexuality begins at birth but advanced sexual development begins during puberty. There are peer, family, and social and cultural influences on sexuality development. Positive relationships with parents and open, honest communication about sex are healthy and important for understanding safe sex and avoiding risky sexual behaviors. Mass media, including romantic scripts, pornography, and religion, can influence developing and adulthood sexuality. Self-pleasuring is common and normal and generally results in positive health and sexual benefits, especially for women. Hooking-up or casual sex is becoming more common and socially acceptable, especially among young adults. Condom use is essential to safe sex and preventing the spread of sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Accessibility and correct use of contraception is essential for avoiding unwanted pregnancy, which is a leading factor in keeping girls and women in poverty. Unfortunately, social institutions have been used to control sexuality, especially that of women, including religion and barbaric practices like female genital mutilation.