We'd like to close this volume with one more exercise that we encourage you to do after finishing this epilogue: put the book down or close your digital reading platform. Get up, put your shoes on, and go outside. Take a short walk to somewhere you go regularly—maybe you have to buy a coffee at the local shop, or pick up some groceries at the supermarket—but take your time to get there. Along the way, see how many things you can find that you had never noticed on your route before, and really pay attention to them. It's okay to focus on the little details, the objects and signs that populate our everyday space, but also try and pause a couple of times to look at the whole scene in front of you. Look at how buildings are arranged on either side of the street; observe the cars going by, and the people you encounter; note the intensity of the sunlight (or streetlights, perhaps) and the clouds in the sky. Then, repeat this exercise, as often as possible.