About 2,600 years ago, when Siddhartha Gautama (later the Buddha) sat down under the Bodhi tree, his resolve was to realize his true nature. Siddhartha had a profound interest in truth, and the questions “Who am I?” and “What is reality?” urged him to look even more deeply within and shine a light on his own awareness. The answers led to his enlightenment. The business world gives us many titles—manager, engineer, cardiologist, server, doctor, coach, entrepreneur, or speaker. So everything we believe ourself to be is dependent on something else outside of ourself. As we get attached to these titles and roles, we begin to identify ourself with them. This chapter presents an account of the author's encounter with Dave, Alex, Anil, and Sara. The inner leader is present in each of us. It often lies dormant, though, because we have forgotten about its powers and how to use them to make us successful.