The main objective of this chapter is to examine the process of identity formation among Muslim Quebecois youth and the issue of belonging to Quebec, and by extension, to Canada, taking into account their educational and religious backgrounds and their motivations to be a part of and to participate in their societies as integrated citizens. The chapter also looks at the complex nature of identity. The crucial questions I am asking are: (1) how do young Muslims understand and define their identity as Western Muslims? and (2) how do they negotiate their Muslimness alongside their Quebecness and/or their Canadianness? I conclude that there is a need for constructing a Western Muslim identity that is not “otherised” by the mainstream society. Young Muslims in Quebec, alongside francophone Quebecers from all walks of life who defend Quebec’s Canadian character, are drawing Quebec closer to Canada and are contributing to it accepting its Canadian nature by the force of the democratic process.