The principle of protecting innocent human life is central to human morality; the view that it is preferable consciously and deliberately to end human life goes against this central belief. The modern debate mostly centres on voluntary euthanasia that involves the active help of another person voluntary assisted euthanasia and in particular, where a physician gives the assistance. The controversy about voluntary euthanasia revolves around the opposing Christian or Kantian duty-based view and the utilitarian. The utilitarian view says that if the killing brings about the greatest possible good then killing is the correct course. In 2002 voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide became lawful in the Netherlands, allowing those with hopeless and unbearable suffering to seek help to die. Conjoined twins Mary and Jodie Attard were born in the UK in October 2000. The nature of their joining meant that Mary’s heart-lung function was incapable of maintaining her own life and she was dependent upon Jodie to keep her alive.