Chapter two explores the first theme of the research that guides this book – High-risk offender (HRO) treatment: The practitioner's experience. The theme arose from qualitative semi-structured interviews with programme facilitators working in prisons and in forensic settings with HROs with complex needs. The programme facilitators were asked about their experiences and perspectives on offender treatment, which resulted in discussions about effective components and limitations. This chapter presents four subthemes that collectively highlight the experiences and perspectives of the interviewed practitioners: (1) core components of contemporary treatment for HRO, (2) concerns with contemporary HRO treatment, (3) addressing limitations and (4) treatment for HRO with complex needs. This research highlights aspects of HRO treatment that are working effectively in practice and other elements that practitioners have experienced to be limited and/or challenging. The data collected suggests that there are solutions to the challenges raised by the interviewed practitioners, with one core suggestion being further research and implementation of less traditional and creative therapies.