This chapter discusses key principles and dilemmas in designing and implementing a team development process. The largest effects were on affective outcomes, such as trust and team cohesiveness, and on team processes, such as the quality of coordination and communication among team members. A large meta-analysis from 2017 of the effectiveness of teamwork training supports these findings. The developmental interventions have ranged from half-day workshops on what it takes to become an effective management team, to yearlong processes including regular off-site sessions, observations, video recordings of the team’s work, and counseling sessions with individual members. The management team leader represents a critical factor for the success of development interventions. Management teams are supposed to contribute to the enterprise’s value-creation process. Research on the effect of team and leadership development indicates clearly that the interventions should follow evidence-based guidelines. Effective development programs contain a broad range of activities and use multiple delivery methods, such as lectures, demonstration, and practice.