Describing the situation after the death of Sayyid Ahmad, Hunter remarked, “Again the fanatic cause seemed ruined. But the missionary zeal of the Patna Khalifas and the immense pecuniary resources at their command, once more raised the sacred banner from the dust. They covered India with their emissaries, and brought about one of the greatest religious revivals that has ever taken place.” The remark brings out the crucial role of the Patna Khalifas, specially Wilayat Ali and Enayat Ali, in reviving and consolidating the Wahhabi movement. Wilayat Ali and Enayat Ali had migrated to the North-Eastern Frontier along with Sayyid Ahmad and had later been deputed by him to organise the activities in British India. Wilayat Ali and Enayat Ali challenged the might of the British government, and constantly fought against its forces in the Northwestern Frontier area. They also tried to take some advantage of the situation created there by the rising of 1857.