The outline of the movement was worked out by Sayyid Ahmad himself and the main planks of the organisational activities—touring, preaching, initiating ‘volunteers’, etc., remained constant over the period. Sayyid Ahmad worked along these lines while he was in British India, and even after his migration he took care to depute some of his more trustworthy followers to India for continuing the work. The organisational work was guided and controlled from the headquarters at Patna, but there was some decentralisation too, with the heads of the ‘district centres’ enjoying considerable powers. A well-trained set of secret agents and couriers and a system of secret correspondence with codes and cyphers provided the link between Patna and the outlying centres. An unobtrusive but very efffective system of collection and transmission of funds was also worked out. These constitute the main aspects of the internal organisation of the Wahhabis.