With the ever-growing e-commerce market, manufacturers are not the only industry that needs to revamp their entire customer service culture, mission, and vision. Retailers of all types, shapes, and sizes are being pushed to put their focus on improving their supply chains in order to win and retain business. Retailers used to be able to lean on the stability of brick-and-mortar stores to provide a satisfactory customer experience. Since the rise of the digital age, technology is shaping how customers purchase from retailers, and the customer experience is fundamentally different online. Customer experience is defined as ‘the customer’s perceptions and related feelings caused by the one-off and cumulative effect of interactions with a supplier’s employees, channels, systems and products'. With a digital ‘store front’, retailers can only influence their customers’ experience through friendly or easy-to-use enhancements and supply chain improvements. Digital shoppers are demanding more from their e-commerce platforms: flexibility, speed, tracking, and alerts.