Chapters 2 and 3 provide a broad overview of different ‘schools’ of strategic management – organised roughly in the chronological order by which they emerged - and discuss their specific implications for public and not for profit organizations. A summative table 2.1 summarises the overall argument in relation to all the schools selected, to help the reader. Chapter 2 introduces and discusses some well-established early schools: namely strategic planning and design (including the use of SWOT and PESTEL as key analytic tools) as the oldest school (2.1), then strategic positioning (2.2), emergence and learning (2.3), the entrepreneurial (2.4) and finally the very different cultural school (2.5) from the 1980s, also highlighting and reviewing key texts and authors (such as Porter and Mintzberg). Worked case studies from a range of distinguished international authors are included in boxes. The final section (2.6) sums up this overview of the ‘early’ schools of strategic management.