In this chapter the author goes into more depth about the psychological nature of all conflict. This moves it away from a legal framework in which there is an assumption of right and wrong and which would lead to a focus on the gathering of factual details. She argues that if conflict is essential, psychological, and emotional, then facts are always mere perceptions. As conflicts have occurred in the past, the author suggests that there is little point in focusing on what cannot be changed. She draws on her own existential philosophy and psychology training to explore how existential concepts can provide a framework for exploring conflict, specifically exploring the role of existential issues such as relatedness, authenticity, time and temporality, values and beliefs, meaning, uncertainty, freedom, and responsibility and emotions. She stresses the need to consider all parties in a dispute as individuals with unique worldviews, and suggestions that mediators who focus on understanding these worldviews are more likely to facilitate an agreement that is truly meaningful to the parties and therefore more likely to be sustained.