This chapter begins our in-depth discussion of the five components of sexual terrorism. This chapter focuses on ideology and propaganda as the first two components. First, ideology is described and ideological principles as they relate to, and influence, campus sexual violence are discussed. We examine ideologies associated with patriarchy, hegemonic masculinity (typically displayed in fraternities and organized sports), heteronormativity, and neoliberalism which underlie cultural norms within higher education and foster an environment that perpetuates sexual terrorism. These ideologies often promote and facilitate perceptions of sexual violence as normal. The chapter then transitions into the second component of propaganda. Propaganda is used to reinforce an ideology and resulting cultural norms where masculine representations, typically exemplified in men, are associated with fear, dominance, and control of women and marginalized groups. The chapter closes with a discussion of the role of rape culture and pornography in the promotion of women as sexual objects and their contribution to blurring lines of consent and subjectivity.