This chapter provides an overview of how religious individuals access and engage a variety of resources in online and offline spaces, and how they use these online resources and spaces for their everyday religious experiences. Online platforms provide access to various resources on religion, from blogs to websites to social media platforms. Religious and secular organizations and individuals are creating content about religion and providing online places like cyber temples in which to practice religion. This creates a type of “religious marketplace” where people can pick and choose what they believe and how they put those beliefs into practice. One concern with convergent practice is that having access to these materials and services from various religions might work to further secularize society. This chapter also highlights a case study on how an LGBTQ Christian platform, Believe Out Loud, provides a space for convergent practice while affirming the faith of people in a marginalized community. Overall, convergent practice is a key concept in digital religion that allows us to understand the various ways people use and combine online and offline resources to create their own beliefs and practices and how they live their faith out in a digital world.