This chapter continues the problematization of PC by examining the often-tragicomic ethical impasses and logical contradictions related to this phenomenon. It covers the same thematic areas as the ones in the preceding chapter, namely politics, art, mass media, everyday life, and academia, yet it provides eight separate case studies, all drawn from countries other than Greece, and each of them examined in a different section. Two parts focus on public figures inextricably linked with PC: one on Jordan Peterson and the indefensible, bigoted counterarguments his left-wing and/or feminist detractors deploy against his well-founded opinions on the subject, and the other on Greta Thunberg, the current face of the environmentalist strain of PC, which is transforming into a newfangled religion while Thunberg is being “sanctified” by all the facets of PC. The other six sections investigate the practices PC rigidly enforces and the questionable tactics it employs (safe spaces, speech codes, trigger warnings, the condemnation of cultural appropriation, the cries for an equitable representation of minorities in all spheres of activity, and the perpetuation of racial victimhood and its attendant “White guilt”), and they analyze the adverse effects all the above have on Western culture.