This chapter explains the pessimistic theoretical framework underlying this study and incorporates into it the inferences drawn from the hypotheses that the case studies and the analysis of the relevant literature generated. It does this by focusing on the following aspects of PC: today’s globalized digital environment, which gave considerable momentum to PC, illustrates that the idea of a constructive dialogue among rational participants who are interested in discovering a truth or creating meaning together is utopian. Leftist PC authoritarians use the internet to appoint themselves as the sole arbiters of moral integrity, to stage bouts of social outrage over trivial matters, and to presume the guilt of anyone who undergoes a trial of intentions in the whimsical court of public opinion; thus, they belittle the plight of real victims and they make the public sphere lose its credibility. PC may be advocating solidarity and altruism, yet these are overidealized concepts, and real-life experience, for instance the current situation with Covid-19, shows that most people disregard them; therefore, not only do social justice warriors exemplify how widespread pretentious foolishness and malice are amongst humans, but they are also so self-deceived that they view their hypocritical moralizing as a genuine virtue.